The Different Types of Loans Available in India - CG

The Different Types of Loans Available in India

The Different Types of Loans Available in India: दोस्तों आज हम आपको बताएंगे भारत में कौन-कौन से प्रकार से लोन मिलता है और क्या क्या रहती है इसके लिए आवश्यक शर्तें अगर आप भी लोन लेना चाहते हैं, किसी भी बैंक या प्राइवेट संस्था से तो हमारा यह आर्टिकल जरूर देखें।

  • Secured loans
  • Home loan
  • Loan against property (LAP)
  • Loans against insurance policies
  • Gold loans.
  • Loans against mutual funds and shares.
  • Loans against fixed deposits.
  • Vehicle loans.

What is Home Loan 

A home loan is a secured loan that is obtained to purchase a property by offering it as collateral. Home loans offer high-value funding at economical interest rates and for long tenures. They are repaid through EMIs. After repayment, the property’s title is transferred back to the borrower.

LTV stands at 80% for homes 

To encourage people to realise their dream of buying a house, the RBI has proposed the following new Home Loan rules: LTV stands at 90% for homes that value 30 lakhs and lesser. LTV stands at 80% for homes that value between 30 lakhs and 75 lakhs. LTV stands at 75% for homes that value 75 lakhs and more.

What is a gold loan?

Gold loan (also called loan against gold) is a secured loan taken by the borrower from a lender by pledging their gold articles (within a range of 18-24 carats) as collateral. The loan amount provided is a certain percentage of the gold, typically upto 80%, based on the current market value and quality of gold.

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Note :- आप बताए गए टाइप्स ऑफ लोन में से किसी प्रकार का लोन ले सकते हैं अपनी विवेक पर निर्भर करता है, आपको कहां लेना है और कौन से टाइप का लोन लेना है।

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